Master French weather vocabulary with essential terms and phrases. Learn how to describe weather conditions, ask about the weather, and use fun idioms.
Discussing the weather in French is important for travelers and language learners. This article covers essential vocabulary, phrases, and idioms about weather. Knowing these terms helps in daily conversations and understanding weather forecasts, making interactions smoother and more enjoyable
Essential French Weather Vocabulary
Describing Weather with Adjectives
Using “Il fait” is a common way to describe the weather in French. Here are some common adjectives:
French Phrase | English Translation | Usage Example |
Il fait beau | It’s nice out | Use this when the weather is pleasant and sunny. |
Il fait chaud | It’s hot out | Say this when the temperature is high and it’s warm outside. |
Il fait froid | It’s cold out | Use this when it’s chilly or cold outside. |
Il fait mauvais | The weather is bad | Say this when the weather is unpleasant, like during rain or storms. |
Il fait frais | It’s cool out | Use this when the weather is cool but not cold. |
Describing Weather with Nouns
Using “Il fait” with nouns is another way to talk about the weather in French. Here are some common examples:
French Phrase | English Translation | Explanation |
Il fait du soleil | It’s sunny out | Use this when the sun is shining brightly. |
Il fait du vent | It’s windy out | Say this when the wind is blowing strongly. |
Il fait du brouillard | It’s foggy out | Use this when there is fog and visibility is low. |
Il fait de l’orage | It’s stormy out | Say this when there is a thunderstorm with lightning and thunder. |
Il fait de la pluie | It’s rainy out | Use this when it is raining. |
Describing Weather with Verbs
Weather-related verbs can describe conditions without using “fait.” Here are some common examples:
French Verb | English Translation | Usage Example |
Il pleut | It’s raining | Use this when it is raining. |
Il neige | It’s snowing | Say this when it is snowing. |
Il gèle | It’s freezing | Use this when temperatures are below freezing. |
Il grêle | It’s hailing | Say this when hailstones are falling. |
Il tonne | It’s thundering | Use this when there is thunder during a storm. |
Learning animal names in French can make conversations more engaging. Explore Animals in French.
Describing Weather with “Il y a”
Using “Il y a” is another way to describe weather conditions in French. Here are some common examples:
French Phrase | English Translation | Description |
Il y a du soleil | It’s sunny out | Use this when the sun is shining. |
Il y a un arc-en-ciel | There’s a rainbow | Say this when a rainbow is visible. |
Il y a une tempête | There’s a storm | Use this when a storm is occurring. |
Il y a des nuages | It’s cloudy | Say this when the sky is covered. |
Il y a du brouillard | It’s foggy | Use this when there is low visibility. |
Common French Weather Words
Here are some frequently used weather-related nouns in French:
French Word | English Translation | Definition |
Le tonnerre | Thunder | The sound produced during a storm. |
L’éclair | Lightning | The flash of light during a storm. |
La pluie | Rain | Water that falls from clouds. |
La neige | Snow | Frozen water crystals that fall from clouds. |
La grêle | Hail | Small ice pellets that fall from clouds. |
Le brouillard | Fog | A thick cloud that reduces visibility. |
Le vent | Wind | Air moving quickly in the atmosphere. |
Le soleil | Sun | The star that provides light and warmth. |
Expand your French vocabulary with essential environment and ecology terms to discuss sustainability, climate change, and conservation in everyday conversations and professional settings.
Extreme Weather Terms in French
Here are some terms related to extreme weather conditions:
French Term | English Translation | Explanation |
Le cyclone tropical | Tropical cyclone | A powerful storm system with strong winds and heavy rain. |
La tornade | Tornado | A violently rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. |
La sécheresse | Drought | A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water. |
L’inondation | Flood | An overflow of water that submerges land which is usually dry. |
La canicule | Heatwave | An extended period of excessively hot weather. |
L’avalanche | Avalanche | A large mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside. |
Le tremblement de terre | Earthquake | A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, often causing great destruction. |

Weather Verbs in French
Here are verbs commonly used to describe weather actions in French:
French Verb | English Translation | Example in French | Example in English |
Briller | to shine | Le soleil brille | The sun is shining |
Souffler | to blow | Le vent souffle | The wind is blowing |
Tomber | to fall | La pluie tombe | The rain is falling |
Neiger | to snow | Il neige | It’s snowing |
Geler | to freeze | Il gèle | It’s freezing |
Tonner | to thunder | Il tonne | It’s thundering |
Éclairer | to lighten | Le ciel s’éclaire | The sky is lighting up |
S’évaporer | to evaporate | L’eau s’évapore rapidement | The water is evaporating quickly |
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Fun French Weather Idioms
French weather idioms add colorful expressions to conversations. Here are some popular examples:
French Idiom | English Translation | Explanation |
Il fait un temps de chien | It’s horrible weather | Describes very bad weather conditions. |
Il pleut des cordes | It’s raining ropes | Means it’s raining heavily. |
Il fait un froid de canard | It’s bitterly cold out | Describes extremely cold weather. |
Avoir la tête dans les nuages | To have your head in the clouds | Means someone is daydreaming or not paying attention. |
Être sous le soleil exactement | To be exactly under the sun | Means to be in a very fortunate or perfect situation. |
Avoir le vent en poupe | To have the wind in one’s sails | Means to be on a winning streak or to have momentum. |
Faire la pluie et le beau temps | To make the rain and the good weather | Means to have a lot of power or influence. |
Expressions for Talking About the Weather
In French, you can express how you feel about the weather using the verb “avoir” (to have). Here are some examples:
French Expression | English Translation |
J’ai froid | I’m cold |
J’ai chaud | I’m hot |
J’ai peur de l’orage | I’m afraid of thunderstorms |
J’ai hâte de voir la neige | I can’t wait to see the snow |
J’ai envie d’aller à la plage | I feel like going to the beach |
Learning Flower names in French can enhance your vocabulary and appreciation of French culture.
Additional French Weather Terms
Here are some additional weather-related terms, including items used in weather forecasts:
French Term | English Translation | Description |
Un baromètre | Barometer | Instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure |
Un degré | Degree | Unit of measurement for temperature |
Les prévisions météo | Weather forecast | Predictions about future weather conditions |
Une éclaircie | Clear spell | A brief period of sunshine during cloudy weather |
Un orage | Thunderstorm | A storm with thunder and lightning |
La canicule | Heatwave | A prolonged period of excessively hot weather |
La brise | Breeze | A light or gentle wind |
La rosée | Dew | Moisture condensed from the atmosphere overnight |
Mastering French weather vocabulary is essential for travelers and language learners alike. Throughout this article, we’ve explored key adjectives, nouns, verbs, idioms, and essential terms for describing weather conditions in French. Practicing these expressions not only enhances everyday conversations but also aids in understanding French weather reports. For further exploration, readers can visit reputable blogs and resources like La Forêt to deepen their knowledge on related topics. Start practicing today to confidently discuss the weather in French!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are some expressions about the weather in French?
Ans: French weather expressions include “Il fait beau” (It’s nice out), “Il pleut des cordes” (It’s raining heavily), and “Il neige” (It’s snowing). These phrases help describe various weather conditions in everyday French conversations. For more expressions, explore resources like La Forêt.
2. What is French dialogue about weather?
Ans: French weather dialogue typically involves discussing current weather conditions using phrases like “Quel temps fait-il?” (What’s the weather like?) and describing weather events such as rain, sun, or snow. Learning these dialogues can enhance your ability to communicate effectively in French-speaking environments. Explore more on La Forêt for practical examples.
3. What is the French idiom for raining hard?
Ans: The French idiom for raining hard is “Il pleut des cordes” (It’s raining ropes). This vivid expression is used when describing heavy rainfall in French conversations. For more idioms and expressions related to weather and beyond, visit La Forêt for additional insights.