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Essential French Phrases and Vocabulary for Emergencies

Arti Goyal
Essential French Phrases and Vocabulary for Emergencies

Traveling to a French-speaking country is an exciting adventure filled with new experiences and cultural discoveries. While we hope your French adventures out there will be enjoyable, it’s essential to prepare for unexpected situations. Knowing key French phrases can be a lifeline in an emergency, providing you with the confidence and tools to communicate effectively as well as seek necessary assistance.

Being equipped with essential French vocabulary for emergencies can significantly enhance your travel experience. By understanding how to communicate your needs clearly, you can reduce stress and increase your chances of not freaking out during an emergency, in case one happens. This guide aims to empower you with the critical French phrases and vocabulary you need to navigate through unexpected challenges. Let’s dive in!

General Emergency Phrases

Being prepared with essential French phrases can be a lifesaver in an emergency. Here are some crucial phrases to learn:

French Emergency PhraseEnglish TranslationUsage
À l’aide!Help!When you need immediate assistance
Appelez une ambulance!Call an ambulance!In case of a serious injury/ illness
Je suis blessé(e).I am injured.When you’ve been hurt
Au feu!Fire!To alert others of a fire
Au voleur!Thief!To shout for help in case of a theft!
J’ai mal à la tête.I have a headache.To describe a common ailment, like headache
J’ai mal au ventre.I have a stomachache.To indicate stomach pain
Je suis allergique à…I am allergic to…To inform someone of an allergy
Où sont les toilettes?Where are the restrooms?When you urgently need to find a restroom
Je me suis perdu(e).I am lost.When you can’t find your way

Medical Emergencies

French PhraseEnglish TranslationUsageExample
J’ai besoin d’un médecin.I need a doctor.When you feel unwell, you can say thisJe ne me sens pas bien. J’ai besoin d’un médecin.(I don’t feel well. I need a doctor.)
Où est l’hôpital le plus proche?Where is the nearest hospital?If you’ve had an accident, you can ask a passer-by thisOù est l’hôpital le plus proche? J’ai besoin d’aide.(Where is the nearest hospital? I need help.)
Je suis allergique à…I am allergic to…Before eating in a restaurant, you can ask the waiter thisJe suis allergique aux noix. Avez-vous des plats sans noix ?(I am allergic to nuts. Do you have any nut-free dishes?)
J’ai une blessure.I have a wound.If you cut yourself, you can say thisJ’ai une blessure. J’ai besoin d’un bandage.(I have a wound. I need a bandage.)
J’ai une fracture.I have a fracture.If you think you’ve broken a bone, you can tell a first-aider thisJe crois que j’ai une fracture à la jambe.(I think I have a broken leg.)
J’ai une douleur à…I have a pain in…If your back hurts, you can say thisJ’ai une douleur à la tête.(I have a headache.)
Je me suis évanoui(e).I fainted.If you’ve felt weak and have fallen, you can say thisJe me suis évanoui(e).(I fainted.)
J’ai besoin d’un médicament.I need medication.If you need to take a medicine, you can ask a pharmacist to thisJ’ai besoin d’un médicament pour la toux.(I need a cough medicine.)
Je suis enceinte.I am pregnant.If you’re pregnant and need medical help, you can say thisJe suis enceinte et je ne me sens pas bien.(I am pregnant and I don’t feel well.)
Appelez un médecin, s’il vous plaît.Call a doctor, please.If someone is seriously injured, you can ask a passer-by thisAppelez un médecin, s’il vous plaît. C’est urgent !(Call a doctor, please. It’s urgent!)

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Safety and Security Issues

French PhraseEnglish Translation
Y a-t-il un commissariat de police près d’ici?Is there a police station nearby?
Je voudrais signaler un vol.I would like to report a theft.
Je voudrais porter plainte.I would like to file a complaint.
On m’a volé mon sac à main.I have been robbed of my handbag.
J’ai perdu mon portefeuille.I have lost my wallet.
Mon passeport a été volé.My passport has been stolen.
De l’argent a disparu de mon sac.Some money has disappeared from my bag.
Mon passeport est perdu.My passport is lost.
Le vol s’est produit hier soir.The theft occurred yesterday night.
On m’a attaqué.I was attacked.
Ma maison est cambriolée.My house has been burgled.

Natural Disasters and Environmental Emergencies

French PhraseEnglish Translation
Évacuez immédiatementEvacuate immediately
Pouvez-vous envoyer de l’aide immédiatement ?Can you send help immediately?
La situation est critique.The situation is critical.
J’ai besoin d’une ambulance.I need an ambulance.
Il y a une inondation.There is a flood.
Il y a un ouragan.There is a hurricane.
Il y a un incendie.There is a fire.
Le feu se propage rapidement.The fire is spreading rapidly.
J’ai été victime d’un accident.I have been the victim of an accident.
Y a-t-il un abri sûr?Is there a safe shelter?

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Communication Difficulties

French PhraseEnglish Translation
Je ne parle pas bien français.I don’t speak French very well.
Pouvez-vous parler plus lentement?Can you speak more slowly?
Pouvez-vous répéter cela, s’il vous plaît?Can you repeat that, please?
Je ne comprends pas.I don’t understand.
Pouvez-vous me traduire cela?Can you translate that for me?
Qu’est-ce que cela signifie?What does that mean?
Pouvez-vous m’expliquer cela?Can you explain that to me?
Je ne sais pas comment dire cela en français.I don’t know how to say that in French.
Pouvez-vous écrire cela?Can you write that down?
Y a-t-il un traducteur disponible?Is there a translator available?

Contacting Emergency Services

French PhraseEnglish Translation
Il y a une urgence.There is an emergency.
Quel est le numéro des urgences ?What is the emergency number?
J’ai besoin de votre aide immédiatement.I need your help immediately.
Ma localisation est la suivante:My location is as follows:
Il faut que vous envoyiez les secours au plus vite.You need to send help as soon as possible.
Il y a un grave accident.There is a serious accident.
Pouvez-vous me localiser?Can you locate me?
Merci d’envoyer rapidement les secours.Please send help quickly.
Où est l’hôpital le plus proche?Where is the nearest hospital?
Vous m’avez sauvé la vie.You saved my life.

Emergency Service Numbers

Pro Tip: While 112 is the universal emergency number in most European countries, it’s always a good idea to know the specific numbers for the country you’re visiting! That’s why we have come to your rescue and compiled the following list of emergency numbers in and around France for you.


  • Police: 17
  • Fire: 18
  • Ambulance: 15


  • All emergencies: 112


  • Police: 117
  • Fire: 118
  • Ambulance: 144


  • All emergencies: 112


  • All emergencies: 112

Important Tips When You’re In An Emergency

  • Stay calm.
  • Be clear and concise in explaining the situation clearly and quickly.
  • Provide the exact address or nearest landmark while conveying your location to the emergency service provider.
  • Listen carefully to the operator and follow their guidance.
  • Keep a list of important emergency phone numbers handy.


Knowing key French phrases for emergencies can be a game-changer when traveling in French-speaking countries. These words and expressions can bridge language barriers, allowing you to communicate effectively and seek help when needed. From reporting a theft to requesting medical assistance, this emergency French vocabulary guide can provide peace of mind and increase your chances of a positive outcome in unexpected situations.

To truly benefit from these phrases, regular practice is essential. Incorporate them into your daily routine or use language learning apps to enhance your fluency. Additionally, you can consider investing in a dedicated emergency phrasebook for quick reference.

Remember, preparedness is key when it comes to emergencies. Bon voyage!

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. What is the French word for emergency services?

Ans: Services d’urgence is the French term for emergency services.

2. What should I do if I lose my passport or other important documents in France?

Ans: You must contact the nearest French police station to report the loss. You should also contact your country’s embassy or consulate for assistance.

Arti Goyal

Arti is a passionate French trainer with extensive experience in guiding students through DELF, TEF, and TCF exam preparation. Known for her engaging teaching methods, she combines a deep knowledge of the French language with an ability to make learning both effective and enjoyable. Arti focuses on practical communication skills, ensuring that her students not only succeed in their exams but also feel confident using French in everyday situations. Committed to her students’ growth, she fosters a learning environment where French becomes more than just a subject—it’s an enriching and lasting experience.

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