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How to Tell Time in French: A Simple Guide

Vibha Goyal
how to tell time in French featured image

Learning to tell time in French is a vital skill. It helps in daily activities like catching a train, setting appointments, and making plans with friends. This guide makes learning easy by covering essential vocabulary, common phrases, and practical tips. Start mastering French time-telling today!

time in French

Basic Vocabulary for Telling Time in French

Essential Terms

Here are some basic terms you need to know for telling time in French:

French TermEnglish TranslationPronunciation
Après-midiAfternoonah-pray mee-dee

Learning days of the week in French is essential for daily conversations. Check out this guide to improve your French vocabulary effortlessly.

How to Ask for the Time in French

Common Phrases

In this section, we will look at common phrases used to ask for the time in French. Knowing these phrases will help you navigate everyday situations, whether you are at a café, on public transport, or talking with friends. Here are some essential phrases to get you started:

French PhraseEnglish TranslationPronunciation
Quelle heure est-il ?What time is it?kel uhr eh-teel?
Avez-vous l’heure ?Do you have the time?ah-vay voo luhr?
Il est quelle heure ?What time is it?eel eh kel uhr?
Pouvez-vous me dire l’heure ?Can you tell me the time?poo-vay voo muh deer luhr?
À quelle heure… ?At what time…?ah kel uhr…?

Telling Time on the Hour

Here’s how to say each hour of the day in French, using both the 12-hour and 24-hour formats. Note the difference in singular and plural usage for “heure.”

English24 Hour Format (French)Pronunciation
1:00 AM / 1:0001h00uhn uhr
2:00 AM / 2:0002h00duh uhr
3:00 AM / 3:0003h00trwah uhr
4:00 AM / 4:0004h00katr uhr
5:00 AM / 5:0005h00sank uhr
6:00 AM / 6:0006h00sees uhr
7:00 AM / 7:0007h00set uhr
8:00 AM / 8:0008h00weet uhr
9:00 AM / 9:0009h00nurf uhr
10:00 AM / 10:0010h00dees uhr
11:00 AM / 11:0011h00onz uhr
12:00 PM / 12:0012h00dooz uhr
1:00 PM / 13:0013h00trehz uhr
2:00 PM / 14:0014h00kahtorz uhr
3:00 PM / 15:0015h00kanz uhr
4:00 PM / 16:0016h00sez uhr
5:00 PM / 17:0017h00dees set uhr
6:00 PM / 18:0018h00dees weet uhr
7:00 PM / 19:0019h00dees nurf uhr
8:00 PM / 20:0020h00van uhr
9:00 PM / 21:0021h00van tay uhn uhr
10:00 PM / 22:0022h00van duh uhr
11:00 PM / 23:0023h00van trwah uhr
12:00 AM / 24:0000h00mee-nwee

Note: “Heure” is singular when referring to 1:00 (e.g., “une heure”) and plural for all other hours (e.g., “deux heures”).

Half Past, Quarter Past, and Quarter To

To express “half past,” “quarter past,” and “quarter to” in French, use the following phrases:

Half pastet demie3:30 – Trois heures et demie
Quarter pastet quart2:15 – Deux heures et quart
Quarter tomoins le quart4:45 – Quatre heures moins le quart

Grammatical Notes:

  • Use “et demie” for half past, except for “midi” (noon) and “minuit” (midnight), where it’s just “et demi” (without the extra ‘e’).
  • Use “et quart” for quarter past, and “moins le quart” for quarter to.
  • The 24-hour clock format is commonly used in formal or written contexts, whereas the 12-hour format is more common in spoken French.

Telling the Exact Time

Minutes Past and To

When telling the exact time in French, it’s important to include “heure” in each expression. Here are examples of how to specify time down to the minute:

1:05 (Five past one)Une heure cinq1:05 – Une heure cinq
2:10 (Ten past two)Deux heures dix2:10 – Deux heures dix
3:15 (Quarter past three)Trois heures et quart3:15 – Trois heures et quart
4:20 (Twenty past four)Quatre heures vingt4:20 – Quatre heures vingt
5:25 (Twenty-five past five)Cinq heures vingt-cinq5:25 – Cinq heures vingt-cinq
6:30 (Half past six)Six heures et demie6:30 – Six heures et demie
7:35 (Twenty-five to eight)Huit heures moins vingt-cinq7:35 – Huit heures moins vingt-cinq
8:40 (Twenty to nine)Neuf heures moins vingt8:40 – Neuf heures moins vingt
9:45 (Quarter to ten)Dix heures moins le quart9:45 – Dix heures moins le quart
10:50 (Ten to eleven)Onze heures moins dix10:50 – Onze heures moins dix
11:55 (Five to twelve)Douze heures moins cinq11:55 – Douze heures moins cinq

Grammatical Notes:

  • For times past the hour, use “heure” followed by the number of minutes (e.g., “une heure cinq” for 1:05).
  • For times to the hour, use “heure moins” followed by the number of minutes (e.g., “huit heures moins vingt-cinq” for 7:35).
  • Use “et quart” for quarter past and “moins le quart” for quarter to.

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Time of Day Phrases

General Time Expressions

Here are some common phrases related to different times of day, along with their usages:

French PhraseEnglish TranslationUsage Example
Le matinMorning“Je me lève le matin.” (I get up in the morning.)
L’après-midiAfternoon“Je fais du sport l’après-midi.” (I exercise in the afternoon.)
Le soirEvening“Nous dînons le soir.” (We have dinner in the evening.)
La nuitNight“Il dort la nuit.” (He sleeps at night.)
À midiAt noon“Je mange à midi.” (I eat at noon.)
À minuitAt midnight“La fête commence à minuit.” (The party starts at midnight.)
Tôt le matinEarly morning“Je cours tôt le matin.” (I run early in the morning.)
Tard dans la soiréeLate in the evening“Je travaille tard dans la soirée.” (I work late in the evening.)
En début d’après-midiEarly afternoon“J’ai un rendez-vous en début d’après-midi.” (I have an appointment early in the afternoon.)
En fin de la journéeLate in the day“Il rentre en fin de la journée.” (He returns late in the day.)

Military Time in French

Understanding 24-Hour Clock

The 24-hour clock system, also known as military time, is used in French to avoid confusion between AM and PM. Here are some examples: 

12-Hour Clock (AM/PM)24-Hour Clock (French)Example
1:00 PM13h00“Le train part à 13h00.” (The train leaves at 1:00 PM.)
6:00 PM18h00“Le film commence à 18h00.” (The movie starts at 6:00 PM.)
11:30 PM23h30“Il arrive à 23h30.” (He arrives at 11:30 PM.)

Other Time-Related Vocabulary

Here are additional useful time-related terms and phrases:

French TermEnglish Translation
RéveilAlarm clock
Fuseau horaireTime zone
Heure de pointeRush hour


This guide covered essential vocabulary, common phrases, and practical tips for telling time in French. Practice and use these skills in real-life situations to improve. For more learning, explore additional resources at La Forêt French Class. Happy learning!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do you say 17:45 in French?

Ans: In French, 17:45 is expressed as “dix-sept heures quarante-cinq” in the 24-hour format. Alternatively, you can say “six heures moins le quart” for 5:45 PM in the 12-hour format. 

Q: How do you say 8:30 in French?

Ans: In French, 8:30 is expressed as “huit heures trente” in the 24-hour format. In the 12-hour format, you would say “huit heures et demie.” To further improve your French language skills, explore resources at La Forêt French Class.

Vibha Goyal

Vibha is a skilled French trainer specializing in preparing students for DELF, TEF, and TCF exams. With FLE certification and a C1 level of proficiency in French, she is committed to helping learners build confidence and reach fluency in the language. Vibha has successfully guided many students through rigorous exam preparation. For her, French is not just a language but a way of life. Her lessons blend real-world usage with cultural insights, making the learning process both effective and enjoyable. Dedicated to her students' success, Vibha strives to ensure they not only pass their exams but also thrive in French-speaking environments.

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