Learning transport vocabulary in French is crucial for effective communication while travelling, studying, or exploring French culture. Whether navigating public transport, asking for directions, or understanding travel-related signs, mastering this vocabulary enhances your experience and interactions in French-speaking environments.
Common Transport Vocabulary in French
Here’s a table comparing common transport vocabulary in French with their English translations:
French | English |
La voiture | Car |
La bicyclette | Bicycle |
La moto | Motorcycle |
Le bus | Bus |
Le train | Train |
Le métro | Subway |
Le tramway | Tram |
Le taxi | Taxi |
L’avion | Airplane |
Le ferry | Ferry |
Le camion | Lorry |
Le scooter | Scooter |
Le vélo | Bike |
Le bateau | Boat |
Le transport routier | Road (transport) |

Cars and Related Vocabulary
Understanding car-related vocabulary in French is key for anyone discussing or dealing with vehicles in French-speaking areas. Here are some essential terms:
French | English |
Le moteur | Engine |
La roue | Wheel |
Le pneu | Tyre |
Le volant | Steering wheel |
Le frein | Brake |
L’ accélérateur | Accelerator |
Le siège | Seat |
Le capot | Bonnet (Hood) |
La portière | Door |
Le coffre | Boot (Trunk) |
Le pare-brise | Windscreen (Windshield) |
Le feu arrière | Tail light |
Le clignotant | Indicator light |
La berline | Sedan |
Le SUV | SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle) |

Bicycles and Motorcycles
Here’s a list of French vocabulary for bicycles and motorcycles, including their parts and different types:
French | English |
Le vélo | Bike |
Le guidon | Handlebars |
La pédale | Pedal |
Le frein | Brake |
La roue | Wheel |
Le cadre | Frame |
La selle | Seat |
La chambre à air | Inner tube |
Le dérailleur | Gear shift |
Le garde-boue | Mudguard |
La moto | Motorcycle |
Le casque | Helmet |
Le scooter | Scooter |
Le VTT | Mountain bike |
Le vélo de route | Road bike |

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Public Transport Terms
Here are essential French terms for public transport, covering various modes and related phrases:
French | English |
Le bus | Bus |
Le train | Train |
Le métro | Subway |
Le tramway | Tram |
La gare | Station |
L’arrêt | Stop |
Le billet | Ticket |
Le pass | Pass |
Le quai | Platform |
Le RER | Regional train |
La correspondance | Connection |
Descendre | Alight (Get off) |
Monter | Board (Get on) |
Le voyage | Journey |
La ligne | Line |

Air and Water Transport
Here’s a guide to French vocabulary for air and water transport, including key terms and phrases:
French | English |
L’avion | Airplane |
L’aéroport | Airport |
Le vol | Flight |
Le passager | Passenger |
L’enregistrement | Check-in |
La piste | Runway |
La porte d’embarquement | Boarding gate |
Le bateau | Boat |
Le navire | Ship |
Le port | Port |
Le quai | Quay |
Le ferry | Ferry |
La cabine | Cabin |
L’équipage | Crew |
Le débarquement | Disembarkation |

Useful Phrases for Traveling
Here are helpful French phrases for navigating transport and asking for assistance in French-speaking areas:
- Où se trouve l’arrêt de bus ? (Where is the bus stop?)
- Je voudrais acheter un billet, s’il vous plaît. (I would like to buy a ticket, please.)
- Combien coûte un billet pour Paris ? (How much is a ticket to Paris?)
- À quelle heure part le prochain train ? (What time does the next train leave?)
- Je dois changer de ligne ici ? (Do I need to change lines here?)
- Pouvez-vous me dire où est la gare ? (Can you tell me where the station is?)
- Est-ce que ce train va à Lyon ? (Does this train go to Lyon?)
- Je voudrais un billet aller-retour, s’il vous plaît. (I would like a return ticket, please.)
- Je suis perdu, pouvez-vous m’aider ? (I’m lost, can you help me?)
- Quelle est la prochaine station ? (What is the next station?)
- Je dois descendre à la prochaine arrêt. (I need to get off at the next stop.)
- Où est la cabine de contrôle des passeports ? (Where is the passport control cabin?)
- Le vol est-il retardé ? (Is the flight delayed?)
- Puis-je avoir une carte de transport, s’il vous plaît ? (May I have a transport map, please?)
- Je voudrais un siège près du hublot. (I would like a window seat.)
Knowing transport vocabulary in French is vital for smooth travel and effective communication. Practising these terms can greatly enhance your travel experiences and interactions in French-speaking regions. For further improvement, consider exploring La Forêt French Class to expand your vocabulary and refine your French skills.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the feminine form of vehicle in French?
Ans: In French, the word “véhicule” is masculine, so it doesn’t have a feminine form. If you’re looking to expand your French vocabulary beyond basic terms, La Forêt French Class offers comprehensive lessons to help you master the language nuances.
2. What is taxi in French?
Ans: The word for “taxi” in French is also “taxi.” It’s a straightforward term that remains the same in both languages.