Astronomy captivates us with its vast mysteries and stunning beauty. Learning related vocabulary in French enhances understanding and communication for students, astronomy enthusiasts, and travellers. Mastering these terms opens doors to richer conversations, deeper insights, and more enjoyable experiences within the world of stars and planets.
Basic Astronomy Terms in French
Here are some basic astronomy terms in French and their English translations:
French Term | English Translation |
L’étoile | Star |
La planète | Planet |
La galaxie | Galaxy |
L’univers | Universe |
L’astéroïde | Asteroid |
La comète | Comet |
La lune | Moon |
Le soleil | Sun |
La constellation | Constellation |
La nébuleuse | Nebula |
Le télescope | Telescope |
Le satellite | Satellite |
Le quasar | Quasar |
L’espace | Space |
L’exoplanète | Exoplanet |

Planets in French
Here are the names of the planets in French, listed in order from the Sun:
French Term | English Translation |
Mercure | Mercury |
Vénus | Venus |
la Terre | Earth |
Mars | Mars |
Jupiter | Jupiter |
Saturne | Saturn |
Uranus | Uranus |
Neptune | Neptune |
Pluton | Pluto |
Éris | Eris |
Hauméa | Haumea |
Makémaké | Makemake |

Stars and Constellations
Here is some French vocabulary related to stars and constellations:
French Term | English Translation |
L’étoile | Star |
La constellation | Constellation |
L’étoile Polaire | North Star |
La Voie Lactée | Milky Way |
La nébuleuse | Nebula |
Orion | Orion (Constellation) |
La Grande Ourse | Ursa Major (Constellation) |
La Petite Ourse | Ursa Minor (Constellation) |
Cassiopée | Cassiopeia (Constellation) |
Andromède | Andromeda (Constellation) |
Le Scorpion | Scorpius (Constellation) |
Bételgeuse | Betelgeuse (Star) |
Sirius | Sirius (Star) |
Pollux | Pollux (Star) |

Celestial Bodies and Phenomena
Here is some French vocabulary for various celestial bodies and phenomena:
French Term | English Translation |
La comète | Comet |
L’astéroïde | Asteroid |
Le trou noir | Black Hole |
L’éclipse | Eclipse |
L’éclipse solaire | Solar Eclipse |
L’éclipse lunaire | Lunar Eclipse |
La pluie de météores | Meteor Shower |
La nova | Nova |
La supernova | Supernova |
L’amas d’étoiles | Star Cluster |
La poussière cosmique | Cosmic Dust |
La galaxie | Galaxy |
L’exoplanète | Exoplanet |
Le trou de ver | Wormhole |

Common Constellation Names in French
Here are some common constellation names in French:
French Term | English Translation |
La Grande Ourse | Ursa Major |
La Petite Ourse | Ursa Minor |
Orion | Orion |
Cassiopée | Cassiopeia |
Andromède | Andromeda |
Le Scorpion | Scorpius |
Le Bouvier | Boötes |
Céphée | Cepheus |
Le Lion | Leo |
Le Cancer | Cancer |
Pégase | Pegasus |
La Lyre | Lyra |
Les Poissons | Pisces |
Hercule | Hercules |
La Croix du Sud | Crux |

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Space Exploration Vocabulary
Here is some French vocabulary related to space exploration:
French Term | English Translation |
Le vaisseau spatial | Spacecraft |
L’astronaute | Astronaut |
La mission spatiale | Space Mission |
La fusée | Rocket |
Le satellite | Satellite |
La station spatiale | Space Station |
Le lancement | Launch |
Le module | Module |
Le cosmos | Cosmos |
La Terre | Earth |
Apollo | Apollo (Famous Mission) |
Voyager | Voyager (Famous Mission) |
Curiosity | Curiosity (Rover) |
Spoutnik | Sputnik (Famous Satellite) |
Hubble | Hubble (Telescope) |

Useful Phrases for Astronomy Enthusiasts
Here are some useful phrases for discussing astronomy in French:
- Quel est ton planète préféré ? (What is your favourite planet?)
- As-tu déjà vu la Voie Lactée ? (Have you ever seen the Milky Way?)
- Quels constellations reconnais-tu ? (Which constellations do you recognise?)
- J’adore observer les étoiles. (I love stargazing.)
- Où se trouve la constellation d’Orion ? (Where is the Orion constellation?)
- Quels sont les principaux termes astronomiques ? (What are the main astronomical terms?)
- As-tu déjà assisté à une éclipse solaire ? (Have you ever witnessed a solar eclipse?)
- Quelle est ta nébuleuse préférée ? (What is your favourite nebula?)
- Quand est le prochain événement astronomique ? (When is the next astronomical event?)
- Je suis membre d’un club d’astronomie. (I am a member of an astronomy club.)
- Quels télescopes recommandes-tu ? (Which telescopes do you recommend?)
- As-tu des photos de tes observations ? (Do you have photos of your observations?)
- Quels sont les meilleurs endroits pour observer les étoiles ? (What are the best places to stargaze?)
- Y a-t-il des réunions d’astronomie ce mois-ci ? (Are there any astronomy meetings this month?)
- Je trouve les trous noirs fascinants. (I find black holes fascinating.)
Knowing astronomy vocabulary in French enriches your discussions and observations of the night sky. It helps students, enthusiasts, and travellers connect more deeply with the subject. Practising these terms enhances your understanding and communication. For a more comprehensive learning experience, consider using resources like La Forêt French Class to improve your vocabulary and overall French skills.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What do the French call twilight?
Ans: In French, twilight is referred to as “crépuscule.” This term describes the period of soft light before sunrise and after sunset.
2. How do you write sky in French?
Ans: The word for “sky” in French is “ciel.” This term is used to describe the expanse above us where clouds and celestial bodies appear.