Exploring the depths of family relationships in French opens doors to more authentic and meaningful communication. Terms like “husband,” “wife,” “uncle,” and “aunt” are not just words but precious bonds that reflect the cultural and emotional richness of families. Understanding these terms is key to building strong connections and expressing love and respect within the family unit. In this article, we’ll cover and list the names of all the family members in French for you. Keep reading!
Immediate Family Members (Membres de la famille immédiate)
“Get ready for a family fiesta! Here are the VIPs of your everyday adventures.”
French Term | English Term |
la famille | the family |
un ménage | a household |
les parents | the parents |
le père | the father |
la mère | the mother |
les enfants | the children |
le fils | the son |
la fille | the daughter |
le frère | the brother |
la sœur | the sister |
un fils unique | an only son |
une fille unique | an only daughter |
les jumeaux | Twins, twin boys |
les jumelles | twin sisters |
Next, Hierarchy in the Family
“Who’s who in the family tree? Let’s unveil the titles and roles!”
French Term | English Translation |
le fils aîné | older son |
le fils cadet | younger son |
la fille aînée | older daughter |
la fille cadette | younger daughter |
le frère aîné | older brother |
le frère cadet | younger brother |
la sœur aînée | older sister |
la sœur cadette | younger sister |
le petit-fils aîné | older grandson |
le petit-fils cadet | younger grandson |
la petite-fille aînée | older granddaughter |
la petite-fille cadette | younger granddaughter |
l’oncle aîné | older uncle |
l’oncle cadet | younger uncle |
la tante aînée | older aunt |
la tante cadette | younger aunt |
le cousin aîné | older male cousin |
le cousin cadet | younger male cousin |
la cousine aînée | older female cousin |
la cousine cadette | younger female cousin |
le neveu aîné | older nephew |
le neveu cadet | younger nephew |
la nièce aînée | older niece |
la nièce cadette | younger niece |
le beau-frère aîné | older brother-in-law |
le beau-frère cadet | younger brother-in-law |
la belle-sœur aînée | older sister-in-law |
la belle-sœur cadette | younger sister-in-law |
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Extended Family (Famille élargie)
“Zooming out for a bigger picture! Meet the whole clan beyond the core family.”
French Term | English Term |
Grand-mère | Grandmother |
Grand-père | Grandfather |
Grands-parents | Grandparents |
Cousine | Female cousin |
Cousin | Male cousin |
Tante | Aunt |
Oncle | Uncle |
Nièce | Niece |
Neveu | Nephew |
Arrière-grand-parent | Great-grandparent |
Arrière-grand-mère | Great-grandmother |
Arrière-grand-père | Great-grandfather |
Grand-tante | Great-Aunt |
Grand-oncle | Great-Uncle |
Arrière-arrière-grand-mère | Great-great-grandmother |
Arrière-arrière-grand-père | Great-great-grandfather |
Petit-fils | Grandson |
Petite-fille | Granddaughter |
Petits-enfants | Grandchildren |
Couples in French (Couples en français)
“Love is multilingual! Discover how couples are celebrated in French.”
French Term | English Translation |
un couple | a couple |
une famille monoparentale | a single-parent family |
un couple marié | a married couple |
un couple hétéro | a heterosexual couple |
un couple gai | a gay couple |
un couple lesbien | a lesbian couple |
un couple de lesbiennes | a couple of lesbians |
conjoints de fait | common-law partners (Québec) |
un couple pacsé | a common-law couple (France) |
un mari | a husband |
une femme | a wife |
un époux | a male spouse |
une épouse | a female spouse |
un conjoint, une conjointe | a committed partner |
un copain | a boyfriend |
une copine | a girlfriend |
un amant | a [male] lover |
une amante | a [female] lover |
une maîtresse | a [female] lover on the side |
une aventure | an affair |
un divorcé | a divorced man |
une divorcée | a divorced woman |
un veuf | a widower |
une veuve | a widow |
Family Through Marriage (Famille par le mariage)
“When families blend, magic happens! Meet the extended family through marriage.”
French Term | English Term |
Beau-père | Father-in-law |
Belle-mère | Mother-in-law |
Beau-frère | Brother-in-law |
Belle-sœur | Sister-in-law |
Beau-fils | Son-in-law |
Belle-fille | Daughter-in-law |
Beau-fils | Stepson |
Belle-fille | Stepdaughter |
Step, Adoptive and Foster Families (Familles recomposées, adoptives et d’accueil)
“Family is where love grows, no matter the roots! Let’s celebrate step, adoptive, and foster families.”
French Term | English Term |
Famille recomposée | Blended family |
Beau-père | Stepfather |
Belle-mère | Stepmother |
Demi-frère | Stepbrother |
Demi-sœur | Stepsister |
Famille adoptive | Adoptive family |
Parents adoptifs | Adoptive parents |
Enfant adopté | Adopted child |
Famille d’accueil | Foster family |
Parents d’accueil | Foster parents |
Enfant placé | Foster child |
Frère/soeur d’accueil | Foster sibling |
Famille monoparentale | Single-parent family |
Parent biologique | Biological parent |
Parents adoptifs | Adoptive parents |
Frères/soeurs adoptifs | Adopted siblings |
Godparents and Godchildren (Parrains et filleuls)
Guardians of love and wisdom! Dive into the special bond of godparents and godchildren.
French Term | English Term |
une génération | a generation |
les grand-parents | the grandparents |
un grand-père | a grandfather |
une grand-mère | a grandmother |
les petits-enfants | the grandchildren |
un petit-fils | a grandson |
une petite-fille | a granddaughter |
These terms cover various contexts in which godparents and godchildren are mentioned, including baptism, confirmation, first communion, and weddings.
French Family Nicknames (Surnoms de famille française)
From ‘papy’ to ‘neveu,’ let’s explore the sweet and quirky world of French family nicknames.
French Nickname | English Equivalent |
Papa | Dad |
Maman | Mom |
Papy | Grandpa |
Mamie | Grandma |
Frangin | Bro (informal) |
Frangine | Sis (informal) |
P’tit frère | Little brother |
P’tite sœur | Little sister |
Tonton | Uncle |
Tatie | Auntie |
Neveu | Nephew |
Nièce | Niece |
Common Family Phrases in Day-to-Day Situations
Everyday connections, timeless expressions. Here are some common family phrases used in day-to-day situations-
- “Comment va ta famille?” in English it will be “How is your family?”
- “J’ai une grande famille” in English it will be “I have a big family.”
- “Je vais rendre visite à mes parents ce week-end” in English it will be “I am going to visit my parents this weekend.”
- “Mon frère est très proche de moi” in English it will be “My brother is very close to me.”
- “Ma sœur et moi sommes comme des meilleures amies” in English it will be “My sister and I are like best friends.”
- “Nous avons un chien et un chat comme animaux de compagnie” in English it will be “We have a dog and a cat as pets.”
- “Ma grand-mère est très gentille et attentionnée” in English it will be “My grandmother is very kind and caring.”
- “Mon oncle habite à la campagne” in English it will be “My uncle lives in the countryside.”
- “Ma cousine est en train de préparer son mariage” in English it will be “My cousin is preparing for her wedding.”
- “Nous organisons une réunion de famille le mois prochain” in English it will be “We are organizing a family gathering next month.”
Understanding familial terms in French is crucial for effective communication in daily life. By using the vocabulary provided, individuals can foster stronger connections and show appreciation for their family members. Whether it’s addressing parents, siblings, or extended family, using the right terms demonstrates respect and strengthens bonds within French-speaking communities.
Check out our article on Fruits in French, Vegetables in French, and Colours in French. Or to find more such vocabulary, go to our blog page!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How to ask about family members in French?
Ans: You can ask about family members in French by using questions like “Comment s’appelle ta/ton [family member]?” (What’s the name of your [family member]?) or “Quel âge a ta/ton [family member]?” (How old is your [family member]?). These phrases help initiate conversations about family relationships.
Q: How do I introduce my family in French?
Ans: Introducing your family in French can be done with phrases like “Voici ma famille” (Here is my family) or “Je vous présente ma famille” (I introduce you to my family). These expressions help you share information about your family members politely and engagingly.
Q: Is learning family names in French confusing?
Ans: At first, the array of family names in French might seem daunting, especially with the variations for extended family members and hierarchy. But fear not! With practice and context-based learning, you’ll find yourself mastering these terms with ease. Remember, exposure to conversations and materials related to family can be your best ally in this journey.